As companies try different available solutions in this space, looking inwards and outwards, ensuring momentum and focus becomes a challenge. The need for experts is felt to address this. 

The hiring procedure has seen a massive transition thanks to technological advancements. Besides the great internet outreach, video interviewing has helped managers a great deal. Scheduling a video interview saves money and time.

Read: Optimizing Your Interviews through Outsourcing

Technology is the key to improving all aspects of our lives. Recruitment and hiring are one such area where the rapid pace of technological break-throughs helps address the challenges in the current times. 

Finding the ideal candidate within a reasonable time is an obstacle course. There are, however, solutions that allow you to delegate and outsource, this delicate mission with confidence and under the best conditions.

Some companies are able to offer you profiles and manage all of the recruitment processes, from defining the need to integrating employees into your turnkey structure. This involves helping you build a world-class process with ever-evolving modular steps. 

Flocareer achieves exactly the same by providing a highly scalable up-to-date solution for ensuring premium quality for your selection process. 

When you encounter roadblocks in the field of recruitment such as broader funnels, shorter time-to-offer, candidate engagement, and real-time reporting and analytics, outsourcing the complete hiring process or a part thereof becomes an option that you absolutely must consider. 

Indeed, although often criticized for replacing highly strategic missions within the company, the outsourcing of recruitment can generate optimization and improve overall performance in terms of quality, deadlines, and costs.

Challenges of the internal hiring process

As companies try different available solutions in this space, looking inwards and outwards, ensuring momentum and focus becomes a challenge. The need of experts is felt to address this.

Let’s explore how the hiring procedure changed over the years

The hiring procedure has seen a massive transition thanks to technological advancements.  Besides the great internet outreach, video interviewing has helped managers a great deal. Scheduling a video interview saves money and time. 

The outreach is greater these days

As the compartmentalization of information fell away and consolidation of services happened, both recruiter and candidate were exposed to a wider demand and supply market. 

The Internet has brought a radical change in the recruiting process. Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and even beyond have given access to an army of qualified professionals. This also means that you’re skimming through more CVs than before. And, you can find a perfect-fit for your role. 

​The video interview technology

Video interviewing technology provides a cost advantage and boosts overall profit margins for your business. Hiring managers can now interview potential candidates through video interviewing. This enables the talent team to get the crux of what the skill set of the candidate is. 

Owing to better software, video streaming isn’t hazy anymore. Managers can get a clear picture of candidates without having to worry about system drop-outs every moment. 

Scheduling interviews got easier

Scheduling interviews and engaging candidates have been one of the challenges of the recruitment team. Scheduling interviews is a key component of your candidate engagement.

The personal attention and focus on the candidate go a long way in instilling a strong brand recall in the candidate's mind. With our service, we step in to configure a unique experience for your candidate and help you engage them better. 

With interview-scheduling software, the task of managers got much easier. With better software ushering in, the whole process has become easier for both the managers and candidates. 

Cultural fit – the focal point

Interview fatigue led to a dilution of the selection process. With appropriate support, this can be quickly turned into a winning hiring strategy. Cultural fit would play a miniscule role in the recruiting decision. 

Now, jobseekers can get a fair amount of idea about how the culture of the company looks like. They can get to know about the collaborative team and problem-solving issues. 

How technology has aided the interviewing process?

What seemed like an uphill task in the past has got easier. Outsourcing has helped organizations focus on their niche better. Let’s discuss the key benefits of outsourcing:

Improving candidate selection quality

The task of outsourcing agencies is to focus solely on on-boarding the best candidate. With improved infrastructure and an expert panel things got better. 

​Focus on business

Today’s businesses are more people-centric than ever. The cost of wrong hire can severely impact your growth trajectory. We bring in ease and efficacy to the most critical aspect of your business strategy so that you can focus on the overall goals.  


Besides helping companies cut costs on infrastructure and technology for hiring and recruitment, outsourcing also aids in gig-hiring. With structured analytics and online availability of data and reports, organizations are able to cut down on their carbon footprints too. 

Read: Choosing the Ideal Platform for Interview Outsourcing

What is Interview Outsourcing?

Interview outsourcing is the practice of delegating the responsibility of conducting interviews to external service providers. This approach allows organizations to streamline their recruitment processes by leveraging the expertise and resources of specialized interviewers.

Outsourcing interviews with FloCareer:

At FloCareer it is our constant endeavor to ease your technical hiring process. 

Expert panel

Interviewers are qualified software engineers with not just domain expertise but also interviewing knowledge and skills. Crowdsourcing of questions from a carefully assembled panel of experts allows us to keep our content fresh and of high quality. Equipped with the best interviewing infrastructure, these experts focus on the candidate's technical strengths. Assessment of required soft-skills is also catered to. 

At FloCareer, we go for a rigorous screening process, when it comes to our panel of interviewers. Only a chosen few pass our evaluation. 

Interview Infrastructure

FloCareer offers a modern interview infrastructure. This includes alignment engineers, client-success managers and analysts. Better technology coupled with interview experts works wonders. One can easily leverage insights and level up the ongoing hiring process. This brings dramatic improvements in hiring velocity which was once a major reason to worry. 

Structured reports and analytics

Our analytics include results of both offline and online coding tests. A video recording of the interview session is provided to maintain complete transparency in the process. Skill rating charts along with detailed feedback is provided at the end of every interview within 48 hours.

Read: Choosing the Ideal Platform for Interview Outsourcing Excellence